
Best-in-class IT solutions for healthcare practices

Your IT infrastructure needs to do a lot to keep your healthcare facility up and running. Is it up to these challenges?

Data security

Your relationship with your patients is built on trust; without a relationship of trust, it is difficult to effectively service your community — and that’s to say nothing about extensive HIPAA obligations. Your servers hold highly sensitive information about your patients and staff including medical histories and billing information. Are you confident in your ability to keep that private data private?


New advances in medical technology ask more and more from your IT infrastructure. Just one example: Ten years ago, x-rays had nothing to do with bandwidth. Today, you may want to share the results remotely, but you need to make sure you have the network capacity. As medical technology advances, your facility needs the bandwidth to support it. Is your facility positioned to accommodate advances in medical technology?


The operation of your facility depends on the availability of your network. In healthcare the stakes couldn’t be higher, so you can’t afford even a momentary disruption in service. Are you confident in the redundancies in place in your infrastructure to ensure 100% uptime?

The IT landscape changes quickly, but Telcion brings you the expertise you need to be confident that your IT infrastructure positions you to continue to serve your community.