Diving into Cisco XDR

What Does An Extended Detection and Response (XDR) Solution Do for Your Business?  

In today's dynamic, ever-shifting technology landscape, cybersecurity remains a critical priority for organizations of all sizes (or at least it should be). One of the major weaknesses of many security strategies is the lack of visibility into different threat areas and the security tools that monitor them—which is where an XDR solution comes into play.  

An XDR solution collects and organizes your security tools into one place, streaming your telemetry data into the platform for easy threat hunting and alert management. This allows you to defend your organization from one pane of glass integrated across your entire environment. Telcion utilizes Cisco XDR, a robust security platform backed by Cisco Talos' decades of deep security expertise

This type of solution makes it much easier to partner with an external SOC, meaning that your internal team is less burdened, and your organization has more comprehensive security around the clock. Fortunately, there are many ways to bring these solutions to bear, and partnering with a security technology expert like Telcion can help you get the tools you need without having to do the work of managing them yourself.  

Want to learn more about what XDR can do for your organization (and your peace of mind)? Keep reading! 

Features of Extended Detection and Response 


XDR solutions continuously monitor security alerts from a diverse array of data sources. By synthesizing this telemetry data, Cisco XDR identifies and prioritizes threats based on severity so that you can respond appropriately to alerts. Minor security threats can be dealt with efficiently. More significant security issues can be identified, addressed, and mitigated with AI-guided response and automation that levels up the performance and effectiveness of your security operations team.  

Comprehensive Monitoring

Cisco XDR employs a vast network of telemetry sources, including network devices, endpoints, cloud services, and applications, to continuously monitor for suspicious activity. It also allows for a portfolio of third-party integrations so you can be vendor agnostic. This extensive coverage ensures that no part of your network is left unchecked.  

Intelligent Threat Correlation

Cisco XDR correlates and prioritizes alerts based on historical data and current threat intelligence. This allows for quicker identification of potential threats by recognizing patterns that may indicate malicious activity. 

Prioritization and Escalation

Once a threat is detected, Cisco XDR classifies it by severity. High-priority threats can be escalated effectively, and lower-priority alerts can be identified and dealt with efficiently.  


The strength of Cisco XDR lies in its capability to analyze streams of telemetry data to pinpoint potential threats. With telemetry data streaming in from a variety of sources and being synthesized in one place, you not only get the built-in analysis capability of XDR, but you're able to action on its clearly presented, easy to access information.  

Deep Telemetry Analysis

Cisco XDR not only gathers massive amounts of data but also analyzes it deeply to extract actionable insights. This involves examining various attributes of the data to identify anomalies or patterns consistent with known threat behaviors. 

Enrichment with Contextual Information

The analysis is enriched with contextual information from Cisco Talos and other sources. This contextualization helps in understanding a threat's broader implications, such as its origin, intended targets, and potential impact, which is crucial for planning an effective response. 


Cisco offers varying levels of investigative support depending on the customer's subscription tier. When a threat is identified, Cisco XDR can generate a security incident ticket within its portal, facilitating a collaborative investigation between you and Cisco's experts. The actionable information provided by XDR makes this investigative step easier, whether you have an MDR service layer or not. 

Collaborative Incident Management

The Cisco XDR platform facilitates a collaborative environment where Cisco's security experts work closely with the customer's IT team. This happens through the XDR portal, where both parties can view and manage security incident tickets. 


Based off the detected, analyzed, and investigated telemetry data surrounding an identified security incident, Cisco XDR can work with you to respond to the threat efficiently and effectively. This can involve identification and containment actions, guidance on mitigation and prevention, and ongoing information gathering as the situation unfolds.  

Proactive Containment and Mitigation

Upon confirmation of a threat, Cisco XDR promptly initiates containment protocols to limit the spread and impact of the threat. This might include isolating affected network segments or disabling compromised accounts. 

Guided Remediation Steps

Cisco provides expert guidance on how to address and remediate the incident. This includes specific actions tailored to the nature of the threat and the affected systems, helping to ensure a swift and effective resolution. 

Ongoing Support and Adaptation

Post-incident, Cisco continues to support the organization in recovering from the attack and fortifying its defenses. This includes recommendations for strategic changes to policies or technologies to prevent similar incidents in the future. 

Cisco XDR's comprehensive approach—spanning detection, analysis, investigation, and response—ensures that organizations are prepared to deal with cyber threats as they occur and equipped to anticipate and prevent future threats. This proactive and intelligent system is integral for maintaining robust cybersecurity in an increasingly complex digital landscape. 

Implementing Cisco XDR in your organization means you're not just installing a security system but integrating a comprehensive security framework capable of real-time threat detection, in-depth analysis, collaborative investigation, and effective response. This 24/7 monitoring is critical for modern businesses that operate on a global scale and face sophisticated cyber threats around the clock. With Cisco XDR, you gain peace of mind knowing that your network is monitored continuously by experts equipped with cutting-edge technology and unparalleled threat intelligence. This level of security preparedness is essential for protecting your assets, data, and ultimately your business's reputation.

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